Monday, March 20, 2017

"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" in my Head - Poem

I saw you standing there
while “ I Wanna Hold Your Hand” was playing in my head
relieved that the tune was able to sound out
the beating in my chest.
I guess I haven’t seen you for so long,
not that it matters to you.
I don’t think you feel the same way I do.
When you see me, does your mind play out a tune?
Unneeded answers for rhetorical questions.
Does your heart dance
when I talk to you?
Let’s not repeat what I’ve mentioned.
I see you wave your hand,
but I must have blended in the crowd
as you make your gesture to everyone else.
Like a line in a lunchroom.
You have to walk by each tray,
to have at least said,
“I’ve seen everything”,
and before you go on your way.
I must have been that rice pudding you
 quickly glanced over
as you reached out to pick up vanilla.
I’m also the same girl
standing near the end
as you make your selection slowly.
Considering your options.
But I’m not a rebel, or an outlaw.
I’m not going to cut the line
to catch up to you.
So, I stand still instead.
With “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”
playing in my head.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Understatement- Quatrain Poem

Here is my take on a quatrain poem. It was a poem I was working on, but I realized if I added more lines, it would've lost it's meaning.

Do you ever think of me when you hear them?
Do I cross your mind from time to time?
The feeling of your absence is disturbingly present.
And “I miss you” is an understatement.