Sunday, April 16, 2017

"Don't Let Me Down/Oh Darling!"

For the next few posts for my blog, I want to do a project. I'm going to listen to music, and write a story inspired by the songs I choose. This is the first one I wrote, and I'll post a link to the songs, so you know what songs I'm using. I won't post the lyrics but looking up the lyrics online should be pretty easy. I picked two songs this week, which are "Don't Let Me Down" and "Oh Darling!" by The Beatles.The stories below go together, and centers around an argument between a couple. The girlfriend's point of view ("Don't Let Me Down") of the argument is first and the boyfriend's ("Oh Darling!") is second.

“Don’t Let Me Down”

I sat in his bed while he cleansed the night before with the steam and Irish Spring soap. I was fidgeting with his red and black tartan plaid blanket with my fingertips, while contemplating how to help him remember the drunken mess that occurred in the pub style bar last night. While tugging and stretching the cotton fabric, I tried to remember myself. It all happened so fast and left everyone at the bar with a bitter taste in their mouths. Bitter than the Irish whisky he downed before the sharp words he exchanged with his brother.
He finally came out of the bathroom, looking like a refreshed man ready for a new day. After rubbing his towel on his damp hair, he smiled and asked me if I slept okay. I stared at him trying to find the first word to say. I looked down, and felt a lump rolling up my throat.
“Do you remember anything at all last night? You were pretty drunk.” I apprehensively asked.
“Um. Not really.” He smirked, and said “I remember the Jameson before seeing my brother.”
“So you don’t remember what you said to him and what he said to you?”
He looked down with his hand on the back of his head, and lowly mumbled, “Not all of it…I remembered yelling at him, but I’m not sure why.”
I stared into his brown infused blue eyes, stoically trying not to lose my temper. Nevertheless, I can feel the lump go up again, but this time faster.
“Really?” I doubtfully asked.
He let out a heavy sigh. “What’s wrong?”
“Fucking seriously!? How drunk were you!?” I yelled.
His demeanor changed, and his attitude went from uncertain to defensive.
 “What? I told you I don’t remember! You said you would be DD. It’s not like I was arguing with you last night, I was fighting with him!”
“Look it’s not only the fight you and your brother had, which was fucking embarrassing by the way!”
“I’m fucking sorry!”
“Let me finish! You told me you weren’t going to drink that much whisky last night, and you lied! What the fuck!?”
“I don’t know what to say..”
“Really?! Because you had so much to say last night…Look whatever issue you two were dealing with is your business, but when you drink, you have a tendency to say things that you don’t mean. Things that hurt.”
He just sat on the edge of the bed, staring at his record player that laid against his dark gray painted wall. Not saying a word. Not even a half hearted sorry. After the short awkward silence, I spoke again.
“The fucked up thing is you lied, why did you-“
“I said I’d do my best!”
“Well, your best was shit.”
“What the fuck? And you say I’m hurtful!”
He got up from the bed, and looked straight at me. His eyebrows were scrunched down, and his face was turning red.
“What did he say to me? Because I wouldn’t just start fightin’ with him for no reason.” He asked.
“Look he wasn’t exactly nice about it either, he did yell at you first.”
“So why are jumping down my throat so fast?”
“Because if you didn’t drink so much last night, you would’ve been able to handle the situation better! You promised me-“
“I actually didn’t. So….”
His bluntness hit me so hard, and I can feel the sting of his spiteful words in my chest. I stood up and turned my back to him, trying to hold my tears in. I don’t want to cry, not at this. I don’t want to open that part of me. But they came, and I felt the warm liquid run down my cheek. I couldn’t stand him any longer. I had to get out. I rushed to grab my bag and phone and ran out of his apartment.

When I was back at home, I fell into my bed and started sobbing. I haven’t cried that hard in a long time, and I hated the fact he was the one making me do it. He never made me cry this much before, yet I still felt conflicted about our fight. Was I being too hard on him? No fucking way! He was acting stupid last night, and even dumber today. Still, as I lay weeping, I knew that we both got heated pretty fast, and the repercussions of the entire fight was too raw to handle. I’ve never had a love like his before, and despite this fight, he has always been so incredibly sweet to me. He knew he shouldn’t have drank that much whiskey, and I told him I hated the way he acts when he does. Why did he have to let me down? 


 *Unfortunately, I couldn't find a video of the The Beatles version of the song, so you might have to find this song on your own*

“Oh Darling!”

  I wish she didn’t yell at me so damn loud. I knew I drank too much last night, and maybe I shouldn’t have, but It’s been a long week. She turned around and didn’t look at me one bit when she grabbed her stuff and left. The sound of my front door slamming shut rang in my ear, and was the only thing she left me with. I let out a sigh, and sat down on my bed. I looked down, and stared at a crack on the surface of the ash wood floor of my bedroom. Was that there before?
She knows how hot headed my brother gets, why couldn’t she see my point of view? I didn’t actually promise her I wouldn’t drink whisky last night. I did tell her I would try though. Maybe I did let her down. Ugh I hate this, I hate knowing she’s mad at me, but it’s probably my fault. Honestly, how else is she supposed to feel? I put her in this situation. She might’ve yelled at me first, but I must’ve acted like a huge asshole last night, for her to be this mad. I went back and forth in my mind for a while, and went over the entire fight that I had with her. This isn’t the first time this happened, me getting drunk and fighting with my brother. It probably get’s old real quick. I really fucked up, will she ever speak to me again? Maybe I should call her, and ask if she can come back to work things out.
I grabbed my phone and called her, hoping she would pick up, but it went to voicemail. I called her again, hoping she was in the bathroom, hoping she was just away from her phone instead of avoiding me. It rang four times, and then it went to voicemail again. This time I decided to leave her a message, hoping she sees my urgency.
“Hey, honey look, I’m sorry. Can you please come back and talk to me? If you don’t want to drive all the way back, I can go over your place if you want. Just let me know what you want to do. Look I..I never meant to hurt you. I know I fucked up. Okay, I hope to hear from you soon.”
I waited ten minutes by my phone, looking at it and hoping it would just ring. I stared at it, hoping to see her name across that screen. God, I hope she doesn’t leave me. I don’t know what I’d do if she did. She could be stubborn and quick tempered sometimes, but she’s also compassionate and silly, and I love her. Suddenly, I started to panic at the thought of her never coming back, and leaving for good. Hearing her say, “I’m done with you”, and to never speak, hug, or kiss me ever again. I would be devastated, and probably lose my mind.
I was feeling agitated, and I could feel my anxiety building up. That was another thing she was good at, helping me through my anxiety. The nerves were too much to handle, so I got up and started walking out to my living room. I needed to be in a wider space. I started pacing back and forth, and started to lose my breath. The air felt thick and humid, like summertime in Tennessee. I walked over to my window to open it, and moved my face close to the mesh to the point of almost touching it. A cool breeze met my face, and I could finally breathe again. I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times by the window, and with each breath I took in, I could feel my anxiety calming down.
I knew it was no point sitting by my phone and waiting for her call because I knew what she needed, and that was time. I know her, I know she needs some time to herself to think everything over, and maybe I needed that too. She will eventually call, and I’ll be here waiting.

I decided to watch some old westerns to keep my mind off my phone. I was still waiting for my darling to call me back, but it’s been seven hours now. Maybe I should call her again. No, I should give her some space, and call back tomorrow if she doesn’t call me tonight. I did this to myself, the argument was bad, but I knew what hurt her most, and that was my reckless behavior. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she’s too good for me, and maybe she shouldn’t call me back. As I started to wrap my mind around that heart breaking thought, my phone rang. It was dark in my living room, and even though my TV is on, the light from my phone was the only thing I saw.

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