Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Spring Break I Wished Happened

I was inspired to finish my short scenario of the "spring break I wished I had" exercise that we did in class. It's actually the spring break one of my character's for a story I been working on wished she had, but I kind of wished I had this spring break too. I mean who doesn't want to hang out with a tall rugged man from Tennessee =).

The Needed Break
I knew he was coming when I heard his Ostrich boots hit the floor. Every second, I can hear the heels get louder and louder. I couldn’t wait for him to arrive, for it felt like a lifetime since our last encounter. I stood in the kitchen that was close to the front door of my apartment, and I finally hear a knock. I had to pull myself together for a minute after being so anxious for so long. Within those sixty seconds, I was taking pleasure in knowing he would be feeling the same anticipation that I’ve been wrestling around with for weeks. I finally open the door, and what a beauty he was, carrying his distressed brown leather duffle bag. He stood 5 ‘10’, about nine inches taller than me, and his amber wood hair glistened in the fluorescent hallway light.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He said in his rough and raspy voice. The sound of his voice always makes my heart beat so fast, especially hearing his slight Tennessee draw. When he said hello, I could see the sparkle in his eyes.  He has the most unique eyes I’ve ever seen. Blue crystal, tainted with a speckle of dry dirt. This sometimes made his eyes look green, siimilar to the color of dollar bills. I stood on my toes to give him a hug and felt his soft beard on my face. It’s my favorite thing to do when we hug, to rub my face against his, and have the soft Velcro tickle my cheek. 
We lingered in our embrace for a good three minutes, long enough for me to pick up an unfamiliar scent. It was the smell of his sweat mixed with a bit of smokey oak and vanilla.
“Is that new?” I asked him.
“What is?”
“Your cologne.”
“Oh, yeah. What? You don’t like it?” He laughed.
“No, I didn’t say that. It’s just you know… new.”
It was intoxicating, and I grew even more enthralled by him. He’s finally here.

I helped him put his things away the minute he came into the apartment. We have to rush since I made dinner reservations at 8:30, which is two hours from now. I didn’t even have time for a proper kiss. I watched him make his way to the living room from the kitchen, after fixing himself a drink. When I looked up at him, his eyes were muted and the lids underneath them were a bit baggy. The long flight shown on his face. When he faced me, he did his best to cloak his drained visage, with a light smirk.
“What do you want to do on your spring break?” He softly asked.
“Honestly, I don’t really want to do anything. I just wanna hang out with you.”
He raised his right eyebrow, tentatively. “Really?” He questioned.
“Yes, really.” I responded.
I was surprised by his suspicion, so I tried to convince him of my reasoning.
“Seriously, I just wanna hang out with you. I haven’t seen you for so long, so I don’t really care what we do.  We can just lay around the couch and watch TV for all I care.”
“C’mon, I’m sure you wanna have some fun. We just can’t lay around all day.”
“I’m sure we’ll go to the movies or something one of these days, but I just wanna be here with you for a moment. I wanna relax and sing along to our favorite songs together. It’s my favorite thing to do with you, especially hearing you sing to me.”

He stared at me for a few seconds with a playful smile. Then he stood up from the ottoman, to sit with me on the couch. Before his gaze met mine, he put his hand right hand on top of my left hand, and grasped it. His fingers were calloused, probably from playing his guitar.
“That’s very loving of you.” He whispered.
He slowly moved forward, and grabbed my chin. Before succumbing to what I’ve been desperately wanting all day, he brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. And finally, he placed his mouth on my top lip, while mine hugged the bottom of his. After a few seconds, our lips shifted positions. Our mouths started to open more, and he gently brushed his hand down my neck. The cushioned flesh was bitable, and I savored the sweet honey and whiskey that lingered from his cocktail. As our lips were locked in a salacious dance, I can feel my heart beat feverishly. I wonder if he could hear it this time, since we were so close. I began to run my fingers through his delicate hair, when an alarming ring went off. It was the restaurant calling, to remind me of the reservation I made. 
I shifted my body away from his chest, to grab my phone. While speaking to my interruption, I noticed his face was more content now. How fortunate of him.  After I hung up, I excused myself to my bedroom to change into my black A-line dress that I had planned for this evening. I walked down the hallway into my room. I closed my door, realizing how starved I was.

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